16 oz sunflower microgreens + 4 oz broccoli microgreens provides the perfect amount of greens to make this smoothie all week long!

About 2 oz sunflower microgreens
About 1/2 oz broccoli microgreens (optional) 1/2 banana – chopped, frozen 1/4 cup frozen pineapple chunks 1/2 teaspoon chia or flax seeds Ice 1/2 cup water or Almond milk or Soy Milk (to help with blending)
Directions – Place items in blender in the order indicated on recipe. – Add water to help with blending.
Please try new combinations of microgreens to suit your palate. Mixing up the fruit is perfectly okay also so don’t be afraid to experiment.
This recipe was originally posted on the C&L Farms Grows website